Airport in EU lifted restrictions on carrying liquids onboard: New regulations

The restrictions on carrying liquids in the cabin of the aircraft were recently lifted at Tallinn Airport. Passengers are now allowed to bring an adequate amount of water in containers of any volume.
The new rules became possible thanks to scanners that inspect carry-on luggage, according to
Restrictions on carrying liquids in carry-on luggage are enforced at airports worldwide. Passengers often have to leave behind bottles of water, shampoo, creams, and perfumes if the volume exceeds 100 ml. This is explained by security measures.
At Tallinn Airport, due to new equipment in the control zone, strict restrictions on carrying liquids in the aircraft cabin have been lifted. New American scanners 920CT from Rapiscan Systems are checking carry-on luggage before entering the departure area. Thanks to computer tomography technology, employees can see the smallest details of the baggage.
Under the new rules, passengers are now allowed to carry up to 2 liters of liquid in containers of any volume, provided it does not exceed the dimensions of the carrier's carry-on baggage.
Photo: New scanner at Tallinn Airport (
The new equipment has simplified the screening process and procedures. Now passengers no longer need to remove laptops, cameras, and other electronics from their bags for separate screening at security checkpoints.
New carry-on baggage scanners have also been installed at Vantaa Airport in Helsinki and Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. In all other European airports, passengers will still have to adhere to the general rules for carrying liquids in carry-on luggage – in containers up to 100 ml.
We also discussed which European airlines have the strictest carry-on baggage policies. In the list of carriers with the toughest restrictions, it's not just low-cost airlines, but also traditional carriers.