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After long pause, Russians intensify activity in Huliaipole direction - Ukrainian Armed Forces

After long pause, Russians intensify activity in Huliaipole direction - Ukrainian Armed Forces Photo: Ukrainian military (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

After a long pause, Russian troops have intensified activity in the Huliaipole direction, attempting to storm the area twice. At the same time, the overall size of the enemy group has not changed, stated the spokesperson for the Tavria operational group, Dmytro Lykhovii.

"After a long pause, there have been combat clashes in the Huliaipole direction, with the enemy making two assault attempts from different directions. Specifically, they advanced from the village of Reshetylivske towards Huliaipole," said Lykhovii.

He noted that the overall size of the Russian grouping has not changed.

"In some announcements, it was suggested that this could be a major offensive with the formation of an offensive group, but according to our intelligence, this is a continuation of the tactic of small assault operations, as the overall number of the Russian grouping in the Zaporizhzhia region has not changed," the spokesperson explained.

Lykhovii also reported that yesterday the Russian forces attempted to assault using two tanks and one buggy.

"One of the tanks was hit and destroyed, and the Russians did not achieve success in the Huliaipole direction. This morning, our troops, continuing to hunt Russian tanks, damaged two more tanks of an unspecified type in the same Huliaipole direction. However, three tanks in less than two days is a significant indicator that attracts attention. It shows that the Huliaipole direction has become more active," he added.

Situation at the frontline

According to the General Staff, 99 combat engagements took place at the front since the beginning of the day on July 29. Russian forces are making the main efforts in the Pokrovsk and Kurakhove directions.

Over the last day, July 28, 128 combat engagements were registered in the frontline. The situation was the hottest in the Pokrovsk direction.

Also, according to the General Staff, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed another 1,310 enemy troops over the past day. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Russia lost a total of about 576,000 soldiers.