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7 Russian drones entered Belarus overnight, one reached 70 km from Lithuania border

7 Russian drones entered Belarus overnight, one reached 70 km from Lithuania border Photo: a Russian drone ended up 70 km from the border with Lithuania after flying into Belarus on September 7 (Getty Images)

Overnight, at least eight Russian drones entered Belarus during an attack on Ukraine. One of them ended up 70 km from the border with Lithuania, according to the monitoring group Belaruski Hajun.

"During the night of September 6 to 7, at least seven Shahed-136 drones and, likely for the first time, one Russian Supercam reconnaissance UAV entered Belarus," the report states.

Additionally, according to the monitoring group, one of the Shahed drones also reached the Brest region, continuing northward.

"This Shahed drone entered the Grodno region (for the first time during the entire monitoring) and reached as far as Korelichi and Novogrudok, heading towards the border with Lithuania. This drone could have flown about 200 km north over Belarus; what happened to it afterward is unknown," Hajun clarifies.

It is also known that throughout the night, Belarusian Air Force fighters and helicopters were active in the skies over Belarus.

"Overall, Belarusian Air Force fighters took off from the Baranovichi airfield four times, and helicopters from Machulishchi were airborne twice. The aviation was spotted not only in the south of the country but also in the far north, around Ostrovets and Vileika," said representatives of the monitoring group.

Russian attack on Ukraine

Russian forces launched a barrage of Shahed-136 drones against Ukraine on the night of September 6 to 7. In total, Russia fired 67 drones at Ukraine, with air defenses downing 58 Shaheds.

According to the Ukrainian Air Force, six drones returned to Russia, Belarus, and temporarily occupied Luhansk region, while three others were lost in terms of location.

It should be noted that Russian drones have entered Belarus during attacks on Ukraine before. The first such incident was recorded on July 12, with at least nine Shaheds entering Belarus in July.

At the end of August, Belarusian aviation was used for the first time to shoot down a Russian drone. Additionally, during a Russian attack on Ukraine on September 5, Belarus even confirmed nighttime air defense operations against drones but did not specify them as "Russian."