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At least 9 drones flew into Belarus during Russia's attacks on Ukraine in July

At least 9 drones flew into Belarus during Russia's attacks on Ukraine in July Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

At least nine Shaheds entered Belarusian airspace in July, with one exploding and another disappearing, according to the monitoring group Belarusian Gayun.

"Throughout July, Russian Shahed-131/136 UAVs repeatedly entered Belarusian airspace while launching missile strikes on Ukrainian territory," the report says.

Between July 11 and July 31, a total of nine drones entered Belarus:

  • One exploded and crashed in Belarus.
  • Seven continued on to Ukrainian territory.
  • The fate of one remains unknown.

According to the monitoring group, most of these drones—seven out of nine—returned to Ukrainian territory, while the others penetrated deeper into Belarus.

"For instance, the drone that entered Belarus on the night of July 13 traveled over 350 kilometers, reaching as far as Vitebsk, after which it disappeared. What happened to it and where it is now remains unknown. Another Shahed, the fourth in line, flew over 400 kilometers across Belarus on July 16 and exploded, crashing in the Zhlobin District of the Gomel Region," the report from Belarusian Gayun adds.

Russian drones in Belarus

In July, for the first time, Russian drones used in attacks on Ukraine began entering Belarusian airspace.

On the night of July 12, Russia attacked Ukraine using Shahed-131/136 drones, prompting Belarus to scramble its aviation. Russian drones subsequently entered Belarusian airspace on July 13, 16, and 31.