6 thoughts and actions that only amplify anxiety and worry

Not to worry and be nervous is absolutely normal, albeit very unpleasant. But sometimes anxiety and concern can be so toxic that it hinders one's ability to carry on with daily activities. Our habits and thoughts can exacerbate the situation.
Huffpost shares habits that intensify our anxiety and worry.
Black-and-white thinking
It is also known as "all or nothing" thinking. The essence is that a person sees everything as either good or bad - there is no middle ground. Such extreme thinking can greatly complicate life.
Psychologist Jennifer Anders considers this the number one habit that intensifies anxiety. You try not to do things that make you nervous. However, attempting to avoid situations, places, or people only increases anxiety. For example, trying not to check your bank card balance again, but not being able to stop thinking about it.
Instead of avoiding something, it's better to gradually come to terms with it. It is essential to experience this discomfort and then be sure to commend yourself.
"Literally take time, and tell our brain, 'Hey, we survived this thing, we did this hard thing, and we survived,'" advises the expert.
Seeking reassurance
Whether you're asking other people for their opinion or googling your strange symptoms - all of this contributes to increased anxiety.
"In the short term, the self-reassurance quells that worry feedback loop in your mind, but in the long term, it actually creates this other negative feedback loop that requires reassurance just to feel OK," says Anders.
Catastrophic thinking
It involves catastrophizing, contemplating the worst-case scenario, and believing that this scenario is the most likely. For example, you've convinced yourself that it will be stuffy in the subway, you'll lose consciousness, and no one will help you. Or that your loan payment will not come on time, and you'll be charged huge penalties.
"According to cognitive behavioral therapy, they talk about anxiety being a result of us overestimating the situation and then underestimating our ability to cope with that," says the expert.
A therapist advises thinking about how you could handle an unpleasant situation if it goes according to the worst-case scenario and consider all possible options. In reality, it usually doesn't unfold as catastrophized, but your anxiety won't ease from it.
Negative self-talk
It turns out that telling yourself that you are not good enough or that something will not work out is not just mean. According to the psychologist, it also intensifies anxiety.
"Many people are not aware of how they talk to themselves and the words that they use to describe themselves as they go through their daily life and their daily activities," explains Anders.
Try not to engage in negative internal dialogues: such conversations can also evoke feelings of unwarranted anxiety.
Desire to please someone
Maybe you just wanted to please acquaintances, but think about this: when you constantly prioritize the needs and thoughts of other people over your own, you foster anxiety and feelings of neglect. Women who are accustomed to putting the needs of their children and family above their own often suffer from this.
Earlier, we wrote about understanding when you are one step away from a nervous breakdown.
We also talked about the 9 signs of true and mature love.