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4 workouts men must do weekly to stay fit

4 workouts men must do weekly to stay fit 4 effective workouts for men (photo: Freepik)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Often men want to build muscle mass and tone their arms, back, abs, and chest during workouts. The training program for men differs somewhat from that for women. Therefore, to achieve these goals, it's necessary to perform specific exercises weekly, according to the Eat This, Not That! website.


Pull-ups are an indicator of upper body strength. They are an excellent full-body exercise that impacts all functional qualities in the gym.

Grab the bar with your palms facing away from you, shoulder-width apart, making sure your arms are straight. Pull yourself up until your chest reaches the bar.

Do three sets of five to eight repetitions with 90 seconds rest between sets. If you are using assisted pull-ups, increase the repetitions to 8-12.

4 тренування для чоловіків, які потрібно виконувати щотижня, щоб бути у формі

Pull-ups (Photo:

Barbell row

The barbell row is the optimal choice for circuit interval workouts to shape your physique and enhance functional strength.

This exercise engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the lower body, back, and arms. Additionally, it combines strength building with calorie burning.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and grasp the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width. Keep your back straight and lower the barbell towards the floor, keeping it close to your body. Lift the barbell to a standing position, engaging your glutes and hamstrings.

4 тренування для чоловіків, які потрібно виконувати щотижня, щоб бути у формі

Barbell row (Photo:

Dumbbell press

This exercise engages critically important muscle groups including the glutes, shoulders, and triceps, making it an effective choice for rapid body shaping.

Position your feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in each hand at shoulder height with palms facing inward. Lift the dumbbells upward, extending your arms until they are straight overhead.

4 тренування для чоловіків, які потрібно виконувати щотижня, щоб бути у формі

Seated dumbbell press (Photo:

Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell swings are an exercise that engages muscle mass in the hamstrings, glutes, and core. They are a fantastic exercise due to their dynamic nature, which increases intensity.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in front of you while standing straight. Keeping your arms straight, swing the kettlebell up to chest height. Return the kettlebell to the starting position and repeat the movement.

4 тренування для чоловіків, які потрібно виконувати щотижня, щоб бути у формі

Kettlebell swings (photo:

Earlier we told you how many push-ups you need to do to achieve results and get a toned body.

We also wrote about the 3 things everyone needs for a workout at the age of 40.