3 accessories that Apple never managed to release

Apple has a long history of innovation, but even this tech giant has its share of unreleased products. Despite the company's renowned attention to detail, some accessories have remained on the drawing board.
Here are the accessories that Apple never managed to release.
iTV remote control
One of the most talked-about unreleased Apple products is the iTV remote control. In the early 2000s, as Apple explored the television market, the company developed a unique remote control that significantly differed from traditional models.
According to former Apple employee Jean-Louis Gassée, the iTV remote was a "gesture-based touch device" intended to revolutionize interaction with televisions.
Apple has always been at the forefront of wearable technology, but not all of its concepts have materialized. One such example is the iRing.
Reportedly developed around the same time as the Apple Watch, the iRing was envisioned as a smart ring capable of performing various functions, such as payment, smart home control, and even health monitoring.
While the concept of smart rings has gained popularity in recent years, Apple has yet to release its version. Some analysts believe that technical challenges related to developing a small but powerful wearable device may have hindered the project.
PowerBook G4 with dual display
In the early 2000s, Apple explored the possibility of creating a PowerBook G4 with dual displays. The concept involved designing a laptop with two screens that could be used either independently or together.
This would have allowed users to multitask more effectively and enhance productivity.
Despite the innovative nature of the idea, it was eventually shelved due to technical challenges and cost difficulties. At the time, manufacturing a laptop with two high-quality displays was very expensive, and the technology required for the seamless integration of two screens into a portable device was not yet mature.
Although these products never came to fruition, they provide valuable insight into Apple's product development process. The company's willingness to experiment with new ideas and technologies is a testament to its commitment to innovation.
While not all of these projects were successful, they helped shape future Apple products and laid the groundwork for the company's continued dominance in the tech industry.
We remind you that the Apple Maps app is now available online for everyone.
Additionally, we reported that Apple is preparing to release a smart home accessory.
Sources used in the preparation of this article include XDA and TechRadar.