13th and last Full Moon in 2023: What absolutely not to do

On the eve of the New Year, the last Full Moon of 2023 awaits us. The Cold Moon will be the 13th full moon of the year. Astrologers warn that emotions will overflow, but important turning points in family matters are possible.
This article shares insights into what to expect on the Full Moon on December 27 and what actions to avoid categorically.
During the preparation of this material, the following sources were used: AstroWalk, Lunar Calendar, and Marina Skadi's Instagram.
When the Full Moon arrives
The final Full Moon of 2023 will occur on December 27 at 02:33 Kyiv time. The overall influence of the Full Moon will last from December 26 to 28. This Full Moon will be the thirteenth in 2023.
In the Southern Hemisphere, it is called the Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon, or Rose Moon. In China, it's the Bitter Moon, in England - the Oak Moon, and in Cherokee - the Snow Moon.
On December 27, the Moon will be in Cancer, and the Sun will be in Capricorn. Both these signs are associated with the home and family sphere. Important moments in these areas may be resolved during the Full Moon, and issues related to housing and residence may also be affected.
Additionally, the Moon in Cancer is typically a very emotional and vibrant period, so exercising caution in expressing feelings is advisable.
What the cold Full Moon will bring
"The Full Moon in Cancer on December 27, in the sign of the Moon's strength, will activate the emotional component of life. Also, due to increased intuition, it helps open the 'doors' to the new, completing old matters. The best thing to do during this period is to devote time to family and await your 'stellar' moment," says astrologer Marina Skadi.
She notes that the Full Moon against the backdrop of the tense aspect of retrograde Mercury with Neptune will bring numerous experiences and conflicting thoughts, especially regarding choices - from changing residence to planning the future of one's children.
People's actions will be less logical as they are dictated by the subconscious. The instinct for self-preservation will strengthen, leading to increased feelings of anxiety, especially concerning safety matters.
Focus will also shift to internal feelings, and the world will be perceived through emotions rather than reason. People will become more vulnerable, and sensitive, and there will be an increased need for love. Heightened intuition will allow understanding of things not yet revealed but already influencing the development of various situations.
The last days of 2023 are a time for deep reflection, and any small thing can disrupt, or disturb psychological comfort. Maintaining mental stability during the Full Moon in Cancer is quite challenging; anxiety will increase during this period, recommends the astrologer.
The Full Moon in Cancer carries the energy of change. It promotes improvement in marital relations and brings partners closer together.
It's a good time to discuss pressing issues but without harsh words or displays of rudeness. There's no need to pretend or invent something unusual because sincerity and simplicity will help make a good impression on others, gaining their sympathy.
What not to do during the Full Moon
This Full Moon will be unfavorable for financial matters as expenses will depend on the internal state. Under the influence of emotions, there's a risk of acquiring things that won't be useful or investing in an unfavorable deal, especially since the Full Moon coincides with Mercury's retrograde phase.
It's also advised not to:
Engage in arguments, provoke or escalate conflicts, resolve relationships
Start new projects or initiatives
Make important decisions concerning the present and future
Ask for a salary raise or quit a job
Make radical changes to your image
What to do during the Full Moon
Reconcile with those you've been at odds with, especially family members
Make wishes, create a vision board, meditate, visualize
Engage in creative activities
Dedicate time to self-care
Record ideas
Get rid of unnecessary things
Earlier, we wrote about what you shouldn't do during retrograde Mercury.