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Why North Korea destroyed roads linking it with South Korea: Expert explains

Why North Korea destroyed roads linking it with South Korea: Expert explains Illustrative photo: DPRK military blows up roads leading to South Korea (Getty Images)

North Korea's destruction of roads leading to South Korea is a symbolic gesture. These roads were originally built during a period of improved relations between the two countries, stated Oleksandr Musiienko, head of the Сenter of Military Law Researches, in a commentary to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

"Regarding the destruction of the roads, I think these are more symbolic actions," emphasized Musiienko.

He said that these roads were originally built as a sign of improving relations between Seoul and Pyongyang. There was even a possibility of opening travel between the two countries because some parties in South Korea support a peaceful resolution to the conflict with North Korea.

At the same time, many refugees in South Korea escaped from North Korea. Most of them fled through minefields and barbed wire.

"What I mean is that if people risked their lives to escape through minefields, maybe some North Korean soldiers might want to escape too, even under fire. So, these actions are mostly symbolic," Musiienko explained.

According to the expert, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, like Russian leader Vladimir Putin, needs to constantly reinforce his status as an authoritarian ruler with external threats.

Conflict between South Korea and North Korea

Last week, North Korea began issuing threats toward South Korea, accusing Seoul of spreading leaflets with slanderous content on North Korean territory.

In response, North Korea blew up sections of roads on its side that connected it with South Korea.

Read more about the scandal between the two countries in the material by RBC-Ukraine.