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Why China and Brazil need their own peace plan: Expert explanation

Why China and Brazil need their own peace plan: Expert explanation Illustrative photo: China has come up with its own plan for peace in Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

China plans to create a Friends of Peace platform. However, China has previously failed to promote its ideas for ending Russia's war against Ukraine, stated political analyst Taras Zahorodnii in a commentary to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

"Remember when they signed with the Brazilians, claiming that 110 countries had endorsed their plan? They never showed the list. Now, they’re searching for a new plan. Why did the first one fail? Because the Chinese could not have imagined, as well as the Americans, that Ukrainian troops would be on Russian territory," Zahorodnii stated.

He believes that stopping hostilities now could be seen as a plan to dismember Russia, which contradicts China's public stance on sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"Why do they start fussing? Because Ukraine has demonstrated strength. When the Security Service of Ukraine, together with the Defense Intelligence, destroyed a strategic warehouse in Tver, it showed that Russia is an utterly rotten state. A few more warehouses like that. The Security Service of Ukraine is systematically striking oil refineries, airfields, and everything else," the expert explained.

Zahorodnii emphasized that China is currently trying to save Russia while offering "peacekeeping services" to Ukraine that Ukraine does not need.

"What’s the point of Chinese mediation for us? Essentially, none. They are far away, they have their own interests, and we have ours. We’re interested in chaos in Russia; they are not. We care about the borders of 1991; they do not. That’s where our views diverge," he noted.


China and several Global South countries are planning to create a Friends of Peace platform aimed at politically resolving the war in Ukraine.

Fifteen countries have already joined the initiative, including Turkey, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Zambia, and Kenya.

Mikhail Podolyak, an advisor to the Presidential Office, labeled the initiative "friends of capitulation," arguing that it is based solely on a Russian concept.