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Ukrainian serviceman on situation in Toretsk: Russian advances no longer same as two months ago

Ukrainian serviceman on situation in Toretsk: Russian advances no longer same as two months ago Photo: The Russian forces' advances in Toretsk are no longer the same as they were a month and a half to two months ago (Getty Images)

The Russian forces' advances in Toretsk, Donetsk region, are no longer the same as they were a month and a half to two months ago, states Ukrainian Armed Forces serviceman Yevhen Ievlev in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

The soldier explained that his unit holds a defensive line on the Horlivka axis, slightly below Toretsk, but maintains constant communication with comrades involved in the city's defense.

"I’ll tell you that the situation in Toretsk is very difficult. The enemy is using all available equipment, and the tactic of small groups remains. This is all supported by their FPV drones and artillery, which is constantly shelling. However, as you can see from DeepState, this is no longer some super-new operational information. There are areas in Toretsk where, unfortunately, the enemy is managing to advance," Ievlev said.

At the same time, he emphasized that no square meter is easily taken by the Russian troops.

"Every square meter they take costs them blood and equipment. The enemy simply uses a scorched-earth tactic. The areas they capture, before entering, they completely destroy everything, leaving our guys with nothing to hold on to," the soldier added.

He emphasized that it is not rational to risk the lives of Ukrainian soldiers "just for a huge pile of construction debris."

"Believe me, these advances come at a very high price for the enemy. And let's be frank, in terms of the dynamics and speed of these advances, it's no longer the same progress we saw a month and a half to two months ago when the enemy was actually managing to make certain gains of up to a kilometer in a day," Ievlev said.

According to him, the situation in Toretsk is very difficult, but as of today, Ukrainian defenders "are doing everything possible within the realm of possibility and with all available resources."

"Look, indeed, in Toretsk, probably no building remains untouched. But as long as there are some buildings, as long as there are civilian homes, our guys hold their ground. The goal is not just to defend the territory but to inflict as much damage as possible to the enemy," emphasized the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier.

He pointed out that if Ukrainian troops withdrew from Toretsk, the enemy would simply occupy the city and gain more advantageous positions from which to fire and advance.

"Therefore, I wouldn't rush to say that it's impossible to hold Toretsk. Most likely, the same scenario will play out as it did in Soledar and Avdiivka, but the enemy needs time and resources for that. And I return to the fact that every square meter, you can't even imagine how much enemy personnel and destroyed equipment it costs them," added the soldier.

He emphasized that the Russian offensive on Toretsk has been ongoing for more than two months, but the city has not yet been captured. Therefore, it cannot be said that holding it is impossible.

"The guys are doing everything they can. And when I say within the realm of the impossible – that means with all available means. With artillery support, and our FPV drones are doing an incredible job, and the Cossacks are doing more than they can," Ievlev stated.

Situation in Toretsk

At the end of September, the first reports emerged that Russian forces had entered Toretsk. Since then, urban combat has been ongoing there.

Recently, it was reported that Russian troops had advanced further in Toretsk. Specifically, the enemy has fortified positions on two streets.

According to the Luhansk Operational and Tactical Group, the Russian forces control the eastern part of Toretsk. Fighting continues in other parts of the city as of now.