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Iran's ballistic missile transfer to Russia will accelerate lifting of restrictions on strikes against Russia

Iran's ballistic missile transfer to Russia will accelerate lifting of restrictions on strikes against Russia Photo: Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the head of the Presidential Office (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Iran has transferred ballistic missiles to Russia. This may speed up the partners' decision to allow the Ukrainian Armed Forces to strike deep into Russia, stated Mykhailo Podolyak, Advisor to the Head of the Presidential Office, in a commentary to the RBC-Ukraine.

According to him, Iran could indeed deny that Russia received their ballistic missiles. The same happened with the transfer of Shahed-type drones and the construction of a factory for their production.

"Certainly, any country that knows it is providing an aggressor state with a certain amount of weaponry violates international law and will face increasing sanctions. Iran understands this. So, without a doubt, they will try to deny or refute the information," says Podolyak.

He noted that there is evidence that Russia is receiving short-range ballistic missiles—up to 120 kilometers—through the Caspian Sea. This will undoubtedly have significant consequences for Iran. Primarily, it concerns sanctions from the United States and the European Union, which are impactful for Iran.

"Secondly, this accelerates the decision-making process regarding the need to provide additional air defense systems to Ukraine and to lift all these informal restrictions that allow strikes (against Russia - ed.). This is because we are talking about short-range ballistic missiles. Launchers will be positioned directly along the front line to use them effectively. Therefore, scaling up strikes deep into Russian territory is a matter of the very near future. This is a development in the war," Podolyak explained.

Iran has transferred missiles to Russia

Recently it became known that Russia received short-range ballistic missiles from Iran. However, Tehran denies this information.

The European Union has stated that they have data confirming the delivery of ballistic missiles from Iran to Russia. The United States has also confirmed that Russia received ballistic missiles from Iran.

In response to these events, the United States has imposed additional sanctions on Iran.