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Expert on Kursk region: Ukraine's Forces could take control of entire Glushkovo district

Expert on Kursk region: Ukraine's Forces could take control of entire Glushkovo district Photo: Ukrainian defenders may advance in the Kursk region (Getty Images)

Ukrainian defenders may be able to take control of the Glushkovo district (Kursk region, Russia -ed.). It is likely that the Russians are no longer able to stabilize the frontline there, states military-political analyst Oleksandr Kovalenko from the Information Resistance group in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

He reported that in the Kursk region, Ukrainian forces continue to expand their area of control. The Ukrainian Armed Forces control 100 settlements and nearly 1,300 square kilometers.

“The increase is observed due to what? Because Russia still does not control the line of combat confrontation. They cannot stabilize the line of combat confrontation,” Kovalenko explained.

He noted that the advance of Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region has slowed, but this was expected. This situation is explained by the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have expanded their control zone, and the Russian forces have sent more of their soldiers. But this does not mean the end of the Kursk operation—it will continue.

The expert also commented on the information that the Russian army has deployed 30,000 of its soldiers to the Kursk region. According to him, this is approximately the number needed to stabilize the line of combat confrontation.

“This might allow them to stabilize the line of combat confrontation, but there are several locations where stabilization will no longer occur. For example, this is the Glushkovo district. The Glushkovo district could become a new area of control for the Ukrainian Defense Forces,” he added.

He also mentioned that there are “interesting moments” related to the further advance of Ukrainian defenders towards several settlements further north in the Kursk region. If this happens, it will be possible to claim that the Kursk operation has reached the operational level.

What preceded

Today, August 27, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi stated that the Kursk operation forced Russia to redeploy 30,000 of its military personnel from Ukraine.

At the same time, the general noted that Ukraine now controls 100 settlements in the Kursk region, and nearly 600 soldiers were taken prisoner as part of the operation.