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Can Russian army force Oskil River in Kupiansk direction? - Expert explains

Can Russian army force Oskil River in Kupiansk direction? - Expert explains Photo: Oskil River (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko
Expert: Oleksii Hetman

Ukrainian forces have established strong positions on the western bank of the Oskil River, making it impossible for Russian troops to force it, stated reserve major of the National Guard of Ukraine Oleksii Hetman in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

According to him, the Oskil River does not have any significant commanding heights; instead, it features a mountain ridge where Ukrainian troops have consolidated their positions and built reliable fortifications.

"They're not just built; there are equipped positions, artillery has zeroed in on all sectors and approaches. There is also wired communication that is not jammed by electronic warfare, so everything is prepared. The personnel there have combat experience and are holding the line. They say that theoretically, the Russians have a chance to reach the Oskil River, but to force it - no, in any quantity. They simply won't be able to force the Oskil River at all," Hetman stated.

Situation in the Kupiansk direction

As of the morning of October 20, there were 16 attacks in the Kupiansk direction. Defense forces repelled assaults near Kucherivka, Kolisnykivka, Kruhliakivka, and Lozova. The Ukrainian Armed Forces achieved success near Kupiansk, where special units of the Defense intelligence of Ukraine mopped up the settlement of Kruhliakivka.

British intelligence reports that Russia continues its attacks on the eastern bank of the Oskil River in the Kharkiv region and forecasts possible advances by the enemy.

Recently, National Guard fighters repelled the attempt of the Russian army to capture a crossing over the Oskil River. If successful, this would have allowed the enemy to expand its offensive in the Kupiansk direction.