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Zelenskyy urges Defense Minister for strategy to gain allies' consent for strikes inside Russia

Zelenskyy urges Defense Minister for strategy to gain allies' consent for strikes inside Russia Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Defense Minister Rustem Umerov was given a task to present a plan at the next meeting of the Staff of the Commander-in-Chief on how to convince partners to allow Ukraine to use long-range weapons on Russian territory, stated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"I am also counting on the Minister of Defense and all our Ukrainian diplomats to work as actively as possible with partners on long-range capabilities for Ukraine - we need the appropriate permissions from partners to use long-range weapons," Zelenskyy said.

According to him, this could significantly bring about a just end to the war and save thousands of Ukrainian lives from Russian terror.

The President emphasized that "it is entirely justified to destroy Russian terrorists wherever they are, from where they launch their attacks."

"We see the benefit this can bring in advancing peace. Russia needs to be forced into peace if Putin still wants to continue the war. At the next meeting, the Ukrainian Defense Minister and representatives of the diplomatic service must present a list of steps regarding long-range capabilities," the head of state noted.

Strikes on Russian territory

During the NATO summit in Washington, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged the United States to allow Ukraine to strike Russian aircraft that launch guided bombs at Ukrainian territory. However, the US has not yet approved such a decision.

Recently, it became known that Ukraine has only once used long-range ATACMS missiles, targeting Crimea. The General Staff officially stated that they attacked the Kerch ferry crossing.