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Zelenskyy to attend Ramstein meeting in Germany - Spiegel

Zelenskyy to attend Ramstein meeting in Germany - Spiegel Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy will attend a meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine in the Ramstein format. The meeting will be held in Germany, Spiegel reports.

According to the newspaper, Zelenskyy is expected to attend the Ramstein meeting in Germany on September 6.

The President of Ukraine wants to ask Western partners for further supplies of weapons to fight Russia. In particular, the supply of long-range missiles and additional air defense systems.

"In Berlin, it is said that Zelenskyy wanted to effectively describe the seriousness of the situation by attending a meeting of Defense Ministers of states that support Ukraine," the German agency notes.

Journalists also note that Zelenskyy's visit will make the meeting more political.

The meeting of the Contact Group will take place at the Ramstein military base in Germany. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius will also attend. The night before, he will meet with Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, who had previously visited the United States.

The agency adds that Umerov and Pistorius will focus on whether Germany will be able to assemble additional arms packages for the coming months, despite the budgetary situation.

Ramstein meeting

At the beginning of the full-scale war, Ukraine's Western partners established the Contact Group for the Defence of Ukraine. It includes more than 50 countries, with the United States leading the group.

The first meeting took place at the Ramstein military base in Germany. Defense Ministers and military officials from Ukraine and allied countries regularly meet online or in-person to discuss assistance to Ukraine.

The next meeting of Ramstein will be held on September 6.