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Zelenskyy suggests Putin may have dialogs with other countries before attacking Ukraine

Zelenskyy suggests Putin may have dialogs with other countries before attacking Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (photo:

Russian President Vladimir Putin may have had certain discussions with other states, particularly outlining his plans for the attack, before the start of the large-scale military aggression against Ukraine in 2022, according to an interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for The New York Times.

In a conversation with journalists, the head of state noted that Putin's decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on May 24, 2022, could be explained either by the fact that the Russian dictator is an inadequate person, or that the Kremlin leader believed there would be no consequences for his aggression.

"He’s irrational, or he knew that there would be no consequences for him," Zelenskyy said.

According to the Ukrainian president, this may mean that Putin may have had certain dialogues with other countries.

"And I don’t even want to think about it because then it’s not partnership, it’s playing behind each other’s backs, and it’s betrayal, complete betrayal," Zelenskyy emphasized.

At the same time, the head of the Ukrainian state added that he rejects assumptions about any agreements with Putin.

Thus, Zelenskyy called for simply considering the Russian President as inadequate, who thought that supposedly no one would help Ukraine defend against a large-scale attack, and he could just capture us and destroy us.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in an interview with Central Asian media, recalled that he had asked the US and the EU to impose sanctions against the Kremlin and Russian President Putin before the full-scale invasion. However, the Western countries refused at that time.

It should be noted that in the same interview, the Ukrainian president also called Putin the most inadequate enemy in the last 100 years.