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Zelenskyy's spokesperson denies Politico's report on 7 opponents of Ukraine's NATO invitation

Zelenskyy's spokesperson denies Politico's report on 7 opponents of Ukraine's NATO invitation Photo: Press secretary of Ukraine's president, Serhiy Nykyforov (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Media reports that seven countries are against inviting Ukraine to NATO are untrue, according to the press secretary of Ukraine's president, Serhiy Nykyforov. These rumors benefit those who want to create a false impression that Ukraine's membership does not have broad support among alliance members.

He adds that the idea of inviting Ukraine is supported by an overwhelming majority of member states, while Ukraine is actively advocating with the others.

"An invitation is the first point of the Ukrainian president's victory plan and a reliable path to a just and lasting peace. Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented the plan to international partners, the Ukrainian parliament, the community, media representatives, and civil society, consolidating their efforts to bring Ukraine's NATO invitation closer," Nykyforov said.

Politico's article

Politico, citing four American officials and NATO diplomats, wrote that seven countries are allegedly against inviting Ukraine to the alliance. Among them are the US and Germany.

According to the media, the full list of opponents includes Hungary, Slovakia, Belgium, Slovenia, and Spain.

The officials who spoke with Politico tried to emphasize that neither the US nor Germany ruled out the possibility of Ukraine joining the alliance.

Ukraine's invitation to NATO

During a recent talk with journalists, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he saw the consensus of the majority of NATO states regarding Ukraine's invitation to the bloc.

But he also mentioned the restrained position of several countries. According to him, Germany is particularly skeptical, but he is convinced that the change in Berlin's position depends on the United States.

The US said that the alliance is currently not ready to offer Ukraine membership or invitation, according to yesterday's statement by US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith.