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Zelenskyy's Office urges Russians to pressure Kremlin to end war on fair terms

Zelenskyy's Office urges Russians to pressure Kremlin to end war on fair terms Photo: Mykhailo Podolyak, Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russians who do not want to see the war on the territory of their country need to force the leadership to end it on fair terms, according to the Advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak.

Podolyak reminded that the war Russia is waging is always ugly. Russian soldiers are accustomed to destroying everything instead of attempting to capture it. That's why "deserts scorched by Russian bombs on our land will take decades to heal."

"Some cities will never be restored. Missile and bomb strikes on hospitals, the rape of people regardless of gender or age, the kidnapping of children, the execution of prisoners and their own deserters - the real Gerasimov Doctrine has turned crimes into a tactic of warfare," Podolyak wrote.

He pointed out that the Russian army is now forced to fight on its own territory. However, this has not changed their methods of warfare. They continue to assault and destroy Russian cities.

"Russian pilots are destroying civilian infrastructure in the Kursk region with multi-kilogram bombs, forcing tens of thousands of local residents to leave their homes. Russian soldiers are looting stores and civilian homes of their neighbors," he stated.

According to him, Russians have been accustomed to perceiving war as a televised show, but now they are seeing it up close, with their own eyes. And that's why they can no longer turn away from it.

"If you don't want to see the war, you must end it by forcing your leadership to agree to peace on fair terms. But is this possible in a country where informal slavery is synonymous with the true 'Russian world'?" he emphasized.

Fighting in the Kursk region

Since August 6, the Ukrainian military has been conducting an operation in the Kursk region. Since then, Ukraine has gained control of approximately 82 Russian settlements. Thousands of Russian soldiers have been captured, increasing the exchange pool.

According to the Institute for the Study of War, Russia has redeployed about 5,000 soldiers from the fronts in Ukraine to retake territories in the Kursk region.

Read more about the situation in the Kursk region in the material by RBC-Ukraine.