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Zelenskyy's office explains why Ukraine will not join NATO in parts

Zelenskyy's office explains why Ukraine will not join NATO in parts Photo: Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the head of the Office of the President (Getty Images)

The proposal for Ukraine's accession to NATO in parts is immoral. This approach leaves the fates of millions of people surviving in the occupied cities and villages of Ukraine beyond the discussions of the West German option, states Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to the head of the President's Office.

According to him, one of the strange trends of the current "political autumn season" within the expert community has been the application of the so-called West German option to Ukraine. This scenario suggests that Ukraine could hypothetically join NATO only within the territories controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"This proposal is immoral. Not only because in 1949 a country that initiated and lost World War II was divided, while Ukraine did not start its war and has not lost. The main issue is that the fates of millions of people surviving in the occupied cities and villages of Ukraine are left outside the discussions of the West German option," Podolyak wrote.

He reminded that investigations by international organizations reveal the spread of Russian practices of torture and their integration into the system of occupation governance.

"Are you sure that the terms 'territorial compromise,' 'West German option,' and 'accepting realities on the ground' accurately describe the essence of these proposals?" Podolyak stated.

Ukraine's NATO membership

During the July summit in Washington, Ukraine did not receive an invitation to NATO, but discussions are ongoing. Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans stated that NATO countries need to discuss the conditions for Ukraine's accession.

French Minister Sébastien Lecornu believes that this will depend on the next US administration. President Zelenskyy noted that the majority of NATO countries support inviting Ukraine.

Recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that most NATO countries support Ukraine's invitation to the Alliance.

"As for Germany's reaction, we believe that the situation largely depends on the United States. We think the US is consolidating its position on NATO, which in turn affects countries like Hungary and Slovakia," emphasized Zelenskyy.