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Zelenskyy responds to Sumy attack and shows new photos of aftermath

Zelenskyy responds to Sumy attack and shows new photos of aftermath Photo: eight people have already died in Sumy due to the Russian strike on September 28 (Getty Images)

Eight people have now died following the double strike on a medical facility in Sumy. The rescue operation is ongoing, according to a statement from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Sumy. Russia struck one of the city hospitals with Shahed drones. Eight people are confirmed dead. My condolences to their families and loved ones. Eleven people were injured, and 113 patients have been evacuated from the hospital," President Zelenskyy said.

According to the president, the rescue operation is still ongoing.

"We are mitigating the consequences, saving lives. We are doing everything possible to provide the necessary assistance to our people," he added.

Zelenskyy emphasized that everyone worldwide discussing this war should take note of where Russia strikes — the occupiers are targeting hospitals, civilian facilities, and human lives.

"Only force can compel Russia to seek peace. Peace through strength — this is the only right way forward. Thank you to everyone who is helping us on this path," the president concluded.

Consequences of the shelling of Sumy on September 28 (

Attack on Sumy

On the morning of September 28, explosions were heard in Sumy. The military had warned earlier about a potential drone threat.

It was later confirmed that Russian forces struck a medical facility in Sumy. When emergency services arrived at the scene, another strike occurred. In total, Russia attacked the city with three kamikaze drones.

So far, 11 people have been reported injured, and 8 have died. More details on the aftermath of the attack on Sumy are available in the RBC-Ukraine report.