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Zelenskyy receives reports from Army chief: 'We understand enemy's moves and strengthen our positions'

Zelenskyy receives reports from Army chief: 'We understand enemy's moves and strengthen our positions' Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

Today, August 21, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy received several reports from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, regarding the situation on the front lines. In particular, the Pokrovsk direction was discussed, according to the President's evening address.

"There have already been several reports from Commander-in-Chief Syrskyi. The front—our positions, primarily in the Pokrovsk direction, our Donetsk region. We understand the enemy's moves and are strengthening our positions. A check on ammunition supply has been conducted," Zelenskyy stated.

He emphasized that it is crucial for "partners to genuinely fulfill their commitments regarding each aid package and all our agreements." According to the president, this is fundamental for defense.

"Our operation in the Kursk region—our combat work continues, steps are being taken. We are controlling designated areas. And I thank all our guys, all units, for further replenishing the exchange fund," Zelenskyy added.

Situation in the Pokrovsk direction

The Pokrovsk direction of the front has remained the most active area over the past few months. Here, Russia is concentrating its efforts.

According to the General Staff, as of the evening of August 21, the number of combat encounters on the front has increased to 54. The hottest area right now is the Pokrovsk direction.

According to Pokrovsk Mayor Serhii Dobriyak, local residents have a week or two to evacuate. He has urged people to urgently move to safer regions.

It was also previously reported that Russian invaders are located 11 kilometers from Pokrovsk.