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Zelenskyy presents Kamala Harris with Victory Plan in war against Russia

Zelenskyy presents Kamala Harris with Victory Plan in war against Russia President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Kamala Harris (photo:

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented Ukraine's Victory Plan in the war with Russia to US Vice President Kamala Harris, according to the Telegram channel of the head of state.

According to Zelenskyy, he shared the details of the victory plan with Harris and emphasized the importance of working in full coordination with the US.

"We have to end this war, we need a just peace. We must protect our people – Ukrainian families, Ukrainian children – and everyone from Putin’s evil. And we are grateful to America for supporting Ukraine all along," Zelenskyy wrote.

Visit of the President of Ukraine to the US

Since September 22, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been on an official visit to the United States.

During his working trip, the head of state held a series of meetings with American congressmen and politicians, as well as with leaders of foreign countries as part of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.

On Thursday, September 26, Zelenskyy met with Joe Biden at the White House and presented his plan for Ukraine's victory.

Biden stated that the US would not stop providing military assistance to Ukraine.

Additionally, Zelenskyy met with US Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who criticized statements from some American politicians suggesting the need to end the war with Russia by conceding Ukrainian territories to the aggressor.