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Zelenskyy on repelled Russian attack: We need same effective defense against missiles and aircraft

Zelenskyy on repelled Russian attack: We need same effective defense against missiles and aircraft Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Reacting to the repelled Russian attack on the night of July 31, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the same effectiveness of defense is needed not only against drones but also against missiles and aircraft.

"89 Shaheds were shot down last night. All that were used by Russian terrorists during this attack. And this is an important result," he said.

According to the President, Ukrainians can fully protect their skies from Russian strikes when they have sufficient resources.

“The same effective defense is needed against Russian missiles and the occupier's combat aircraft. And it is possible to provide it. What is needed are sufficiently bold decisions from our partners - enough air defense systems, enough long-range capabilities. And Ukrainians will do everything correctly and accurately,” Zelenskyy stated.

Russian shelling of Ukraine

The occupiers used 89 Shaheds and one missile during the shelling of Ukraine on the night of July 31.

This was the most massive attack on Kyiv since the beginning of 2024. The main strike hit the Kyiv region, where a fire broke out.

The air defense system shot down all Russian drones. Read more about the consequences of this attack in the material by RBC-Ukraine.