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Zelenskyy on Iran sending missiles to Russia: Received intelligence from allies' agencies

Zelenskyy on Iran sending missiles to Russia: Received intelligence from allies' agencies President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

Intelligence agencies from Ukraine's partner countries obtained information that Iran had supplied missiles to Russia. Ukraine is also now in possession of this intelligence, says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a press conference in Kyiv.

"Regarding the Iranian missiles, we received the same information that has been circulating in the media, though without specific details on quantities. This came from our partners. I received this intelligence from our partners' agencies," the president said.

Zelenskyy currently cannot confirm the use of these missiles.

"I will be able to confirm it when we have evidence, as we did with North Korea. For now, we only know about the use of a large number of Iranian drones. As for the use of Iranian missiles, we don't have further details yet," he explained.

Iran sends missiles to Russia

Western media reported recently that Iran had delivered short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, though Tehran has officially denied the supply.

Following these reports, Ukraine called on Iran to cease supporting the Russian military in its war.

The US announced new sanctions against Iran for supplying ballistic missiles to Russia.

RBC-Ukraine has detailed the potential consequences of this missile transfer. Today, Iran issued a cynical statement following the American sanctions.