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Zelenskyy on 14 reserve brigades: Their training should be with weapons supplied by partners

Zelenskyy on 14 reserve brigades: Their training should be with weapons supplied by partners Photo: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Ukrainian armed forces have a reserve of 14 brigades. However, they have not yet received enough weapons to start fighting, according to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

According to the President, these brigades were created a long time ago and there is a reserve. However, it is now important that they are trained immediately with the weapons that Ukraine receives from its partners and with which they will then fight.

"The main thing is that you have reserves - first of all, it is for rotations. This was my task - we needed rotations so that the guys could have a rest. And all we constantly asked for was to ensure these 14 brigades were fully equipped. These are not new brigades, as it is often mistakenly said that Ukraine wants new brigades. These are not new brigades; these are brigades without weapons," Zelenskyy said.

He also noted that these brigades can be considered newer compared to those that are already fighting. He also said that these brigades have already started receiving some weapons, including artillery.

At the same time, Zelenskyy said that it is very important for him that Ukraine receives weapons for the full amount of aid that was announced by the partners. That is why he understands why NATO is creating a separate coordination center to control the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

"If you have 40 billion in military aid in the package, it is very important that these 40 billion (provided for different types of weapons - ed.), any weapons, from artillery to anti-tank guided missiles, etc., are delivered, and not that we later find out that 7 billion came, and the rest was spent on other things along the way," he said.

Earlier, Zelenskyy mentioned that Ukraine already has 14 formed reserve brigades, but they currently lack weapons.

Also, at the summit in Washington, the leaders of NATO member countries decided to create a new structure for coordinating aid to Ukraine.