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Zelenskyy names one of main causes of security deficit in Ukrainian airspace

Zelenskyy names one of main causes of security deficit in Ukrainian airspace Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

One of the main reasons for the security deficit in Ukrainian airspace is the lack of NATO countries' decisions regarding joint defense, stated President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his evening address.

"Air defense is no less important for Ukraine before winter, as well as real progress in jointly downing Russian missiles and drones. We see that one of the main reasons for the security deficit in the skies over Ukraine, particularly near NATO borders - our neighbors - is the lack of decisions on joint operations and collective defense," Zelenskyy said.

According to him, what works in the skies of the Middle East and helps defend Israel, "could also work in the skies of our part of Europe, Ukraine, thus helping to save lives."

"There are specific technical solutions and effective tactics. Today, we discussed this in particular with Mark Rutte (the new NATO Secretary General - ed.). We will continue to convince all partners of what needs to be implemented - what is needed to effectively protect the sky,” the President emphasized.

Downing Russian drones and missiles

Russian drones have repeatedly violated Romanian airspace during hostile attacks on the Odesa region. There were also several cases where Russian missiles and drones entered the territories of Poland and Latvia.

However, all three NATO member countries did not intercept Russian aerial targets.

At the same time, Ukraine is calling on its partners to destroy Russian aerial targets that enter their airspace. Discussions are also ongoing about allies assisting Ukraine in downing Russian missiles on its territory.

In particular, President Zelenskyy stated that allies could shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine like Iranian Shaheeds over Israel.