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Zelenskyy meets with Slovakia's Prime Minister, who assures ongoing support for Ukraine

Zelenskyy meets with Slovakia's Prime Minister, who assures ongoing support for Ukraine President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

While attending the European Political Community summit in Spain, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a meeting with Slovakia's Prime Minister, Ludovit Odor, according to Odor's Twitter.

During the meeting, as Odor noted, he assured Zelenskyy of Slovakia's continuous support for Ukraine.

"We strive for peace in all of Europe: countries big or small, east or west. Our shared values and vision unite us, and Ukraine is part of this. In Granada we've assured Zelenskyy he can rely on our ongoing support," the Prime Minister tweeted.

Zelenskyy's visit to Spain

Today, the head of Ukraine is on a visit to Granada, Spain, attending the European Political Community summit.

Support from Slovakia

On September 30, local elections took place in Slovakia. The anti-Ukraine party Smer-SD, led by former Prime Minister Robert Fico, received the most votes.

After the elections, former Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini significantly changed his stance on military aid to Ukraine, stating that Slovakia has "nothing more to send" to Kyiv.

Why the elections in Slovakia are important for Ukraine - read in the article on RBC-Ukraine.