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Zelenskyy, in response to Russian terror, calls for strong steps that leave no security deficits

Zelenskyy, in response to Russian terror, calls for strong steps that leave no security deficits Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (

Countries of the Western Alliance can help stop Russian rocket terror against Ukraine, particularly following strikes on July 8th targeting civilian objects in various cities, through "strong steps" rather than just expressing sympathy or concern, according to a statement from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Facebook.

The head of state noted that due to today's Russian rocket shelling on Ukrainian cities, 37 people have died and over 170 have been injured, including three children. He added that nearly 100 objects have been damaged, including a children's hospital, residential buildings, kindergartens, maternity wards, a college, and a business center. Rescue operations are still ongoing at the sites," Zelenskyy's statement said.

The president emphasized that Russian terrorists "must be held accountable for this."

"Mere concern does not stop terror. Condolences are not a weapon. We need to shoot down Russian missiles. Russian combat aircraft must be destroyed where they are based. Strong steps must be taken to eliminate any security deficit," he said.

The Ukrainian president also added that the world has the necessary strength for this, partners can do it, and "decisions are needed as soon as possible."

Rocket attacks by Russia on Ukraine on July 8

On Monday, Russian forces launched a massive rocket attack on cities in Ukraine. Thirty-eight rockets were launched, 30 aerial targets were intercepted.

It was previously reported that the first strike hit the Okhmatdyt children's hospital. Rescue operations and searches are still underway for people who may be trapped under the rubble. During a subsequent rocket strike in the Dniprovskyi district, a multi-story building of a medical center was damaged.

It is also known that the UN Security Council will convene an emergency meeting on July 9th. It will focus on Russia's rocket strike on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv and other cities in Ukraine.

For more details on the consequences of the shelling, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.