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Zelenskyy holds meeting on long-range solutions

Zelenskyy holds meeting on long-range solutions Photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukrainian drones work exactly as expected and cover all the needs that were assigned to them. However, there are tasks for which drones alone are not sufficient, stated the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Today's report from the head of the Security Service of Ukraine was also positive. I want to thank all our SSU warriors, as well as the warriors of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, and all the structures involved. Thank you for the accurate, skillful, and effective strikes on Russian airfields. Our Ukrainian drones are working exactly as they should. But there are things that cannot be done with drones alone, unfortunately. We need other weapons - missile weapons," the President said.

Zelenskyy stated that he continues to work with partners on long-range solutions for Ukraine, as these are forward-looking decisions aimed at the victory of Ukraine.

"It has to be done. The bolder our partners' decisions are, the less Putin will be able to do. And today I held a meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, our Office, the National Security and Defense Council. We have prepared an algorithm for our actions to achieve strong decisions by our partners. Victorious decisions," the head of state emphasized.

During his address, Zelenskyy noted that Ukraine is achieving its strategic objectives in the Kursk region.

Additionally, he highlighted that this operation has significantly replenished Ukraine's exchange fund.

For more details on the situation in the region, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.