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Zelenskyy calls on West to allow long-range attacks: We cannot postpone vital decisions

Zelenskyy calls on West to allow long-range attacks: We cannot postpone vital decisions Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

In order to fully protect Ukraine and Ukrainians, our country needs a long-range permit. We also need long-range shells and missiles, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

According to him, clearing the Ukrainian sky of Russian bombs will be a strong step to force Russia to seek an end to the war and a just peace. In turn, Ukraine's representatives have already provided all the necessary information and details to “our partners.”

Zelenskyy has asked the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany to provide long-range permits.

“We need long-range capabilities and permits, and we need your long-range shells and missiles. We cannot postpone vital decisions,” the president said.

Zelenskyy emphasized that these decisions are what can most properly influence events.

Tragedy in Kharkiv

The president made this call by mentioning yesterday's Russian strikes on Kharkiv at the beginning of his address. Six people died and 97 were injured as a result of Russian bombs hitting the city.

Read more about the consequences of the aggressor country's attack in RBC-Ukraine's article.