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Zelenskyy at summit on Ukraine: Everything agreed will be part of peacemaking process

Zelenskyy at summit on Ukraine: Everything agreed will be part of peacemaking process President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

Everything agreed at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine taking place in Switzerland will become part of Ukraine's peacemaking process, says President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a press conference with the President of Switzerland.

"Everything that will be agreed upon at the summit today will be part of the peacemaking process that we all need. I believe that we will witness history being made here at the summit. Thank you for your support, and may a just peace be established as soon as possible,” he said.

President Zelenskyy has already held the first meetings within the framework of the Peace Summit. In particular, he met with Swiss President Viola Amherd.

About Peace Summit

The Ukraine Peace Summit has started in Switzerland today. It is taking place at the Burgenstock resort near the city of Lucerne. Representatives from about 100 countries and organizations took part in the summit.

The summit participants will discuss several issues related to Ukraine's Peace Formula. The summit will also include bilateral meetings between leaders and representatives of the countries. The participants are expected to adopt a joint declaration. However, according to Swiss media, the summit participants have not yet agreed on a declaration.

Read more about the summit in RBC-Ukraine's article.