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Zelenskyy announces meeting with Biden and reveals details

Zelenskyy announces meeting with Biden and reveals details Photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

This month, a meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Joe Biden will take place. They will discuss Ukraine's peace plan, stated the Ukrainian President during the 20th annual Yalta European Strategy meeting.

"This month, our meeting with President Biden is scheduled. I will present him with the victory plan – a system of interconnected decisions that will give Ukraine enough strength to set this war on the path to peace," Zelenskyy stated.

He also noted that such aggressive wars, like Russia's war against Ukraine, can end justly in a few ways:

  • Either the occupying army is driven out by force,
  • Or through diplomacy that guarantees the preservation of the country's real independence and its liberation from occupation.

"In both cases, Ukraine needs strong positions. The US can help with this. If we and our key partner want victory in the same way, then the victory package that I will present to the US President can pave the way to a secure peace and the full implementation of the peace formula," emphasized Zelenskyy.

Ukrainian President remarked that the world still holds the illusion that it's possible to negotiate with Moscow or draw some red lines that would eventually make Moscow softer or more inclined toward reconciliation.

"If we abandon illusions and if we all want to one day hear the words 'finally, a just peace has come to Ukraine,' then we must already hear today that Ukraine has become strong enough for victory. This does not depend only on us; in many ways, it depends on the world..." he concluded.

We previously reported that Zelenskyy will first present his victory plan in the war with Russia to US President Joe Biden, and then to other partners.

To learn more about why Ukraine has chosen this course of action, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.