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Zaporizhzhia NPP's on verge of blackout again: Russians damaged power line

Zaporizhzhia NPP's on verge of blackout again: Russians damaged power line Photo: Russians damaged a power line at Zaporizhzhia NPP (Getty Images)

Russian troops have damaged one of the two power lines supplying the occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), bringing the plant to the brink of a blackout, according to Energoatom.

On Thursday, August 22, Russian shelling damaged the external 330 kV overhead line Zaporizhzhia TPP—Ferroalloy. Through this line, the temporarily occupied ZNPP received power from the Ukrainian energy system to meet its own needs.

ZNPP is connected to the Ukrainian energy system by only one 750 kV transmission line, Dniprovska.

Energoatom emphasizes that if this line is damaged, an emergency could arise due to the loss of external power to the pumps that cool the active zones of the reactors and the spent fuel pools at ZNPP.

Ukrainian energy experts underline that under the "management" of Russian occupiers, it is impossible to ensure the safe operation of the plant.

"The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant must immediately be brought under full control of Ukraine and its legitimate operator, Energoatom. Russia must withdraw its military personnel and equipment from the plant. This is the only way to restore nuclear and radiation safety for the entire continent," the statement reads.

Situation at Zaporizhzhia NPP

The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is the largest NPP in Ukraine and Europe. The plant has been under Russian occupation since March 4, 2022. The occupiers have mined part of the plant's territory and deployed their soldiers there.

Furthermore, the Russians have repeatedly provoked incidents at the ZNPP. Recently, a fire broke out at the plant, likely caused by Russian negligence or arson.