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Zaluzhnyi addressed military: 2024 won't be easy, but we will continue to approach our victory

Zaluzhnyi addressed military: 2024 won't be easy, but we will continue to approach our victory Photo: Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Getty Images)

The upcoming year 2024 won't be easy. But step by step, the Ukrainian military will continue to approach victory, said Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, in his New Year address, according to his Telegram channel.

"As 2023 comes to an end, it marks another extremely challenging year in our struggle for our land and freedom. It was a year when Ukraine stood firm. It stood firm because of you – Ukrainian soldiers and sailors, sergeants and officers. Thanks to each of you," emphasized Zaluzhnyi.

He thanked the military for their resilience and dedication to the noble cause of defending Ukraine.

"The year 2024 won't be easy. The fight for the freedom and future of our children continues. I believe that we will face all trials with dignity and step by step continue to approach our victory," he stated.

Financial Times journalists have provided their own forecast for 2024. According to their predictions, Western partners will continue to support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia, and Joe Biden will once again win the US elections.