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World's ugliest dog named: Meet 8-year-old pekingese Wild Thang

World's ugliest dog named: Meet 8-year-old pekingese Wild Thang Pekingese Wild Thang wins World's Ugliest Dog contest (collage by RBC-Ukraine)

An eight-year-old Pekingese Wild Thang has won the title of the world's ugliest dog. Previously, he helped evacuate seven Ukrainian dogs from under Russian shelling, according to The Guardian and The Gaze.

Disease that brought global recognition

In the annual World's Ugliest Dog contest, the Pekingese Wild Thang won on his fifth attempt. The contest was held on June 22 in California.

"His victory is a testament to his undeniable charm and resilience," said the organizers.

As a puppy, Wild Thang contracted canine distemper, an infectious disease affecting the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems of animals. Although he survived, the disease left lasting effects. His teeth never grew, causing his tongue to always stick out, and he has issues with his right hind leg.

Despite this, Wild Thang is described as a "healthy and happy boy who loves people, other dogs, and especially his toys."

Названо "найпотворнішого собаку у світі". Як виглядає 8-річний пекінес Вайлд (фото)

Pekingese Wild Thang wins World's Ugliest Dog contest (Photo: Getty Images)

Volunteer dog

Wild Thang promotes vaccination for pets and has helped raise money to rescue fellow Pekingese dogs from Russian attacks in Ukraine.

"As of today, seven Pekingese have safely left Ukraine and now live happily in their adoptive homes in Canada and the USA," noted the contest judges.

The runner-up

The People's Choice Award and second place went to a 14-year-old pug named Rome, who debuted in the contest this year. Rome suffers from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and rarely closes his eyes due to a compulsive fear of missing out on an interesting event.

He is also involved in charity work, raising funds to buy wheelchairs for dogs with various disabilities.

Названо "найпотворнішого собаку у світі". Як виглядає 8-річний пекінес Вайлд (фото)

Pug Rome took second place (screenshot)

Third place

Third place was taken by Daisy Mae, a 14-year-old dog rescued from a life on the streets over ten years ago.

"Over the years, she has compensated for the loss of hair, teeth, and vision by gaining friends, self-confidence, and courage," said the contest organizers.

Besides hunting squirrels and basking in the sun, Daisy Mae loves to cuddle with people and annoy her older sister.

Названо "найпотворнішого собаку у світі". Як виглядає 8-річний пекінес Вайлд (фото)

Daisy Mae took the third place (Photo: Getty Images)

Winner's prize

The contest winner received the opportunity to appear on an evening entertainment show on an American TV channel. Additionally, it will be the face of a limited-edition beer series of a company sponsoring the contest and a cash prize of $5,000.

The contest has been held for almost 50 years, and its organizers note that the main goal is to celebrate the imperfections of pets that make them special and unique.

The organizers of the contest say that even though the contest is fun and entertaining, it highlights the importance of every animal and the benefits of adoption. Many dogs participating in the contest were rescued from shelters and kennels and have found loving homes.

"While the contest is all about rewarding the ugliest dog, the purpose is not to remark a dog is ugly or make fun of him. The purpose is to rather express to the world that these dogs are actually quite beautiful in their own ways," states the competition's website.