World's oldest man dies two month before his 115th birthday

Venezuelan Juan Vicente Perez Mora, who was the oldest man on the planet, died two months before his 115th birthday. He had 11 children, 41 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 12 great-great-grandchildren, according to the Daily Mail.
What is known about the long-liver
The former farmer became the oldest man in Venezuela in 2020 and officially became the oldest man alive in May 2022. It was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records.
"Our dear Juan Vicente Perez Mora, today with deep sadness and pain we say goodbye to you, to that archetype of a man from Tachira, humble, hard-working, peaceful, enthusiastic about family and tradition," said Freddy Bernal, the governor of the state of Tachira.
Juan Vicente was known as Tio Juan which translates into English as Uncle Juan.
Vicente was born on May 27, 1909. He was the ninth child out of 10, and at age five, he began working with his dad and brothers in agriculture and assisted with sugar cane and coffee harvesting.
In 1948 Vicente became a sheriff in Caricuena and was responsible for resolving land and family disputes for ten years, while still working in agriculture.
He married Ediofina del Rosario García and they were together for 60 years until she passed away in 1997.
Vicente Perez Mora worked as a sheriff (photo: Daily Mail)
Vicente Perez Mora worked as a sheriff (photo: Daily Mail)
What is the secret of longevity
Vicente was recognized as the oldest living man on the planet when he was 112 years and 253 days old. "His secret for a long life is to 'work hard, rest on holidays, go to bed early, drink a glass of aguardiente every day, love God, and always carry him in your heart," his relatives said.
Vicente celebrated his 110th birthday in 2019, becoming Venezuela's first male supercentenarian.
The Guinness Book of Records has not officially commented on Vicente's death.
Juan Vicente Perez Mora left 11 children, 41 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 12 great-great-grandchildren (photo: Daily Mail)
Earlier we wrote about the fact that the nutritionist named the Ukrainian product, which is the food of long-livers.
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