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Woman dyes hair and nearly dies: See what happened to her head

Woman dyes hair and nearly dies: See what happened to her head Find out how to avoid an allergy to paint (Photo:
Author: Daria Shekina

Englishwoman Laura Velaye decided to dye her hair black, and it nearly cost her life. The woman's head swelled, and she started to resemble an alien. Velaye was afraid for her life and realized that something terrible had happened to her, according to Newsweek, the woman could have died.

She dyed her hair and nearly died - how it all started

It all started when Velaye was 18 years old, and she went to France. There, she decided to dye her hair black. The hairdresser conducted an allergy test, and everything was fine. However, after dyeing, the Englishwoman realized that her decision to color her hair was a big mistake.

When Velaye was flying back home, she began to feel a fever. In the morning, she woke up with a pillow soaked in pus. Terrible wounds appeared on her head, which had swollen significantly, and they were oozing and causing her a lot of pain.

Woman dyes hair and nearly dies: See what happened to her head

Photo: A woman dyed her hair and nearly died (Screenshot)

Velaye went to the hospital, but the doctors only advised her to take antihistamines. The situation didn't improve, and it was getting worse over several days. Blemishes appeared on her neck, and her face didn't deflate.

"On the sixth day, I went to hang out with a friend, and I didn't feel well at all. My throat and tongue started swelling, and I was struggling to breathe. My friend had to call an ambulance," the woman recalled.

After that, the woman spent 10 days in the hospital. Doctors didn't hide that Velaye miraculously survived, as she could have simply choked.

Woman dyes hair and nearly dies: See what happened to her head

Photo: A woman dyed her hair and nearly died (Screenshot)

What experts say

Dr. Ryan Peterson, a certified anesthesiology expert, explained what happened to the woman. He suspects that she had an anaphylactic reaction to the hair dye.

"An anaphylactic reaction is a severe allergic reaction to an allergen, which includes substances that may be in everyday products like hair dye. The body presumes that the component in hair dye is harmful, and it gets the immune and nervous systems all riled up, leading to the manifestation of extreme itchiness and swelling in the affected area, to the point that even the airways become so edematous or swelling that it's difficult to breathe, increasing the risk of death," the doctor noted.

How to avoid allergies to hair dye

  • Read the ingredients carefully on the label.
  • Perform a patch test at least 48 hours before the procedure.