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Will there be massive shelling of Ukraine in fall and what weapons could Russia use: Air Forces' assessment

Will there be massive shelling of Ukraine in fall and what weapons could Russia use: Air Forces' assessment Spokesperson of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yurii Ihnat (Photo: mil in ua)
Author: Daria Shekina

Russia may be preparing for mass shelling of Ukraine in the fall and winter. Apparently, for the attacks, the occupants will use cheaper Shahed more, according to the statement of the spokesperson of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yurii Ihnat, made in an interview with Suspilne.

"I think they will try to target everywhere. The question is whether they will have enough resources," he noted.

Ihnat suggests that the Russians may use more drone kamikazes in their attacks, as producing Shaheds is faster and cheaper. He also reminds that Russia has already begun producing such drones on its territory.

However, the spokesperson doesn't attempt to assess the intensity of possible shelling of Ukraine during the cold period. He mentions that many factors, including the situation within Russia, influence this.

Massive shelling of Ukraine

Last fall and winter, Russian aggressors engaged in massive shelling of Ukraine. Occupants used rockets of various types and Iranian-made drone kamikazes.

The main goal of the aggressors was to damage the energy infrastructure to cause a blackout in Ukraine. Widespread damage across Ukraine led to power outages.

Analysts and experts believe that this winter the occupiers will not be able to leave Ukrainians without electricity.

Representative of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Vadym Skibitskyi, told RBC-Ukraine whether to expect mass shelling of energy facilities in the fall.