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Will Putin's death mean a quick end to Russia-Ukraine war? Experts' insights

Will Putin's death mean a quick end to Russia-Ukraine war? Experts' insights Russian dictator Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)

The death of the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is unlikely to immediately affect the front, and it is most likely not lead to a quick end to the Ukraine war, as military and political analyst of Information Resistance Group Oleksandr Kovalenko and a former Chief of the Press Service of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Vladyslav Seleznov, told RBC-Ukraine.

Who will lead Russia if Putin dies

The Independent, a British media, lists five potential successors in response to rumors about Putin's heart-stopping, noting that members of his family are not vying for his replacement.

In the case of Putin's death or sudden resignation, the Federation Council would have 14 days to announce early presidential elections. During this interim period, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin would serve as the acting president.

Putin's death is unlikely to immediately impact the situation in Ukraine

Kovalenko believes that, in any case, there will be a period of internal confrontation after Putin's death, which is unlikely to immediately affect the front lines, and there should be no hope for a swift end to the war, the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory, the return of Crimea, etc.

"Almost the entire Russian society is brainwashed, waiting for the 'denazification of Ukraine' for the second year, and it's not happening. Under what pretext would they withdraw the troops? Like they achieved their goals? No, they will have to leave the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and Crimea because we won't stop until we see them retreating. And they understand that very well," the expert believes.

With a new government in place, intensive battles will continue for some time, but there is a possibility that they will attempt to negotiate agreements.

"Putin has put them all in a tight spot, and they want to get out of it. They don't need an endless war; they will seek contact and try to agree on some actions. And during this period, we must be as tough as possible - only within the boundaries of 1991. After they come to terms, we can talk about partial sanctions relief and other aspects," he added.

Many in Russia will want to fight until a "victorious end"

Vladislav Seleznov also warns Ukrainians not to have high hopes for Putin's death in the future.

He says that the decision to invade Ukraine was not made by Putin personally, and at that Security Council meeting in February 2022, he tied up all those close to him. Among them, many will push the agenda of war to a victorious end.

For more details on conspiracy theories about Putin's death and their motives, you can refer to RBC-Ukraine's article.