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Why red wine often causes headaches: Scientists give answer

Why red wine often causes headaches: Scientists give answer Why red wine causes headaches (

Researchers from the University of California, Davis, have identified a molecule in red wine that may cause headaches after consumption. Many people complain of headaches appearing even in small quantities of red wine, occurring within 30 minutes to three hours. Why it happens, is reported by Nature.

The findings from the study in the journal, suggest that such headaches may be linked to the impact on alcohol metabolism of flavanol molecules found in red wine. This particular flavanol is called quercetin, and it is present in various fruits and vegetables, including grapes.

Quercetin is considered a beneficial antioxidant and is even available as a food supplement. However, its properties change due to interaction with alcohol. In the body, quercetin transforms into quercetin glucuronide, which blocks alcohol metabolism.

As a result, acetaldehyde toxin begins to accumulate in the body, leading to skin reddening, headaches, and nausea.

Scientists note that individuals more susceptible to quercetin may experience rapid reactions, such as headaches, migraines, or other factors.

The concentration of quercetin in red wine depends on various factors. This flavanol is produced in grapes under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, grape varieties exposed directly to the sun tend to have higher quercetin levels. The substance's content in wine also depends on the production process, including contact with the skin during fermentation, refinement processes, and aging.

In the future, scientists plan to determine what influences the onset of pain: an increase in quercetin concentration in the body or the associated acetaldehyde. Depending on the results obtained, it may be possible to consider developing a treatment for wine-related headaches or identifying safer types of red wine.

Previously, we discussed how much time the brain needs to recover after alcohol consumption.

We also wrote about 8 habits after the age of 40 that can extend life.

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