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Why Peace Summit is important for Ukraine and whether it can accelerate end of war: Expert opinion

Why Peace Summit is important for Ukraine and whether it can accelerate end of war: Expert opinion Photo: Political scientist Oleh Saakian (

By organizing the second Peace Summit, Ukraine is signaling to the world that the initiative to end the war is still in its hands, states political scientist Oleh Saakian in a comment to RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel.

In his view, Ukraine needs the Peace Summit to maintain the initiative and to ensure that any other peace plans or proposals cannot proceed. Saakian emphasized that the Peace Summit is a necessity, not a mechanism for achieving peace immediately.

He also noted that representatives from Russia will not agree to attend any of the Summits.

"The Peace Summit is not about 'getting everything back'; it’s about negotiating with the world on the rules of the game, how to restore the rule of law, and presenting these agreements to Russia. Russia will either have to accept them," the expert believes.

However, in such a case, Ukraine could gain leverage to work with global partners and argue that they should pressure Russia to adhere to the rules agreed upon by the world.

Peace Summit

In June, the first Peace Summit was held in Switzerland, with representatives from over 100 countries and international organizations in attendance. Some participants later signed a joint communiqué.

However, India, Brazil, Thailand, and several other countries did not sign the communiqué. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs explained why the country did not endorse the Summit declaration.

For details on what Ukraine achieved at the Peace Summit and what it did not succeed in, read the RBC-Ukraine material.