Why our phone makes us unhappy - Reasons and explanations

The phone has a significant impact on our lives, as it is constantly in our hands and can even make anyone unhappy, according to the psychological portal Pleso.
Why the phone can make us unhappy
Smartphones and social networks are a big part of our lives. Because of their ability to cause addiction, it's hard to give up constant scrolling. While they provide temporary satisfaction and an escape from reality, in the long run, we may feel unhappy.
But how much does phone usage really affect us and our lives? It influences the brain, the mechanism of addiction, and ways to combat this harmful habit.
An unlimited source of dopamine - how phones cause addiction now
Every notification from an app, like a comment under a post or a funny meme, triggers a quick release of dopamine in the brain. This hormone is responsible for what is known as the reward system, as well as for supporting our well-being and increasing motivation.
Phones are very rich in triggers and offer to instantly satisfy most of our needs. Throughout the day, we reach for it more and more often to get quick satisfaction - this is how addiction is formed.
Why the phone can make us unhappy (photo: Freepik)
Small pleasure - big problem
The more we rely on our phones, the less other everyday life pleasures us. Excessive phone and social media use reduces the duration of our attention, complicating not only concentration but also delaying gratification (the value of the reward decreases the longer you wait for it, so the satisfaction we get from it also decreases).
In the long run, this can lead to anhedonia (a lack of feeling joy and pleasure) or anxiety disorders, and depression. Sometimes it's hard to understand whether phone addiction exists or if it's just normal gadget use.
The following questions will help you clarify this, but remember, they do not replace a visit to a specialist:
- do you use your phone instead of other activities such as meeting friends, studying, etc.?
- how significantly does the phone affect your mood, for example, does your satisfaction depend on the number of likes you receive?
- do you need to spend more and more time on your phone?
- do you feel a strong psychological discomfort when you cannot use your phone?
- despite your efforts, is it difficult for you to reduce the amount of time spent using your phone?
Take care of your brain
Even if you answered Yes to most of the questions, there's good news - you can still make a change. Try these methods to combat addiction:
Limit screen time: Set a specific time during the day for phone use (for example, one hour) and try to stick to it. This will help your brain get used to not constantly scrolling.
Restrict physical access to apps/phone: Delete apps that take up most of your screen time, or ask someone to set a password on them - this will help resist the temptation to reflexively reach for the device.
Reduce the attractiveness of the device: Set the screen to black and white mode or delete unnecessary apps - this will reduce the desire to use the phone due to its dull appearance. This will allow you to focus on crucial matters.
Remember that phone addiction is as serious as any other addiction and significantly affects your health and quality of life! Don't hesitate to seek help - psychotherapists at Pleso are always ready to listen to you.
Also, read about 10 subtle causes of chronic fatigue.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.