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Why do cats like to sit on your belongings or laptop

Why do cats like to sit on your belongings or laptop Why do cats often sit on your belongings and laptop (photo:

Cats often choose your belongings or laptops for resting because of the warmth and comfort they find there. Additionally, the owner's scent and curiosity about the spot make these items even more attractive to them.


Cats adore warmth and always seek cozy spots to rest, especially during colder seasons. They often choose warm places such as:

  • Laptops and other electronic devices. When you use a laptop, its surface can become warm. This makes it an ideal spot for your furry friend to rest and warm up.
  • Radiators and other heat sources. Cats frequently sit by radiators or on heated floors, enjoying the comforting warmth.
  • Sunny spots. When sunlight streams through a window, it creates warm patches on the floor or furniture. Cats love to lie in these spots, basking in the natural warmth.
  • Your lap and recently occupied spots. When you sit on the couch or chair, your lap or the warm spot you've just vacated becomes appealing to cats seeking warmth and comfort.

Each of these places provides the warmth and coziness that cats love.


Comfort for cats is often associated with soft surfaces that they can’t resist. These include:

  • Blankets: Warm and cozy, they create the perfect spot for resting and sleeping.
  • Bedding: Pillows and sheets offer a soft surface where cats can settle comfortably.
  • Clothing: Your items, especially if they’re soft and warm, can also be an appealing resting place for cats.

Soft fabrics not only provide comfort but are also great for kneading. This natural and soothing behavior helps cats relieve stress and relax.


The scent is a crucial aspect of a cat's life as it helps them communicate and create a sense of security. Cats use their scent glands on their face, body, and paws to mark objects with their smell. This helps them establish territory and create a feeling of safety.

When cats sit on items that smell like them or items that have their owner's scent, they feel secure. This could be your laundry or bedding. Fresh laundry can also be appealing to them, as cats are very clean and often choose clean and comfortable places to sleep.


Cats always seek safe places because they are both predators and prey. They feel more at ease when they can hide from view. Therefore, cats often hide in places like boxes, closets, under beds, or beneath the bathtub.

If your cat is hiding, don’t disturb it and give it time to come out on its own, especially if it is feeling stressed.

Cats also feel safer when they are up high, where they have a good view of their surroundings and can monitor potential threats. They enjoy sitting on windowsills, shelves, furniture, or other elevated spots. Places near windows often attract cats because of the pleasant views.

By the way, earlier we shared 5 amazing facts about Siamese cats.

Also, find out about 7 cat breeds that love cuddles - the most affectionate and gentle pets.

Sources used in preparing this article include Cats Protection and Wikipedia.