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7 cat breeds that love to cuddle

7 cat breeds that love to cuddle Which cat breeds are the most gentle (photo:
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Cats can offer boundless affection and comfort to their owners. Some breeds are particularly known for their softness and love of cuddles, making them ideal companions.

Birman cat

The Birman cat is distinguished by its unique color pattern: a light body with darker points on the head, paws, and tail. These cats are renowned for their gentle, peaceful, and affectionate nature. They are well-suited for families and enjoy sitting on laps and relaxing together.

Their long fur requires minimal maintenance. A weekly brush is usually sufficient to keep their coat fluffy and prevent tangling.

7 порід кішок, які обожнюють обійми

Birman cat (image: Wikipedia)

Himalayan cat

The Himalayan cat is essentially a Persian cat with distinctive Siamese coloring. Its dense double coat requires daily grooming and combing to maintain its condition.

Some owners seek professional grooming to trim the fur on the abdomen to prevent matting.

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Himalayan cat (image: Wikipedia)

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is one of the largest cat breeds, characterized by its very fluffy fur with a dense double coat developed to protect against the cold winters of the Northeast.

While Maine Coon fur is less demanding to care for than that of the Persian, it still requires regular brushing. Depending on the coat texture, this can range from daily to several times a week.

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Maine Coon (image: Wikipedia)

Norwegian Forest cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat, like the Maine Coon, evolved in a cold climate, leading to the development of a thick, water-resistant coat. Although its fur is quite fluffy, grooming is not complex. Typically, weekly brushing or combing is sufficient, as their fur does not tend to mat.

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Norwegian Forest cat (image: Wikipedia)

Persian cat

The Persian cat is known for its long, dense fur with a distinctive mane around the neck, resembling a lion’s mane. Persian cats have one of the most challenging coats to manage. Daily brushing and combing are necessary to prevent matting. Given the coat's density, daily grooming can be quite labor-intensive.

Additionally, Persians require daily facial care to wipe and clean around the eyes and the folds of skin around the nose.

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Persian cat (image: Wikipedia)

Ragdoll cat

The Ragdoll cat features medium-length, fluffy double fur with a very minimal undercoat. This breed’s coat naturally resists matting, making weekly brushing manageable.

Ragdolls are known for their affectionate nature and often enjoy sitting on laps, making them a great choice for those seeking a fluffy companion.

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Ragdoll cat (image: Wikipedia)

Selkirk Rex cat

The Selkirk Rex boasts one of the most unique coats in the cat world. Its fur is soft, plush, and curly. This breed can have either short or long fur, both of which are very fluffy.

Short-haired Selkirk Rex cats have deep waves with curled tips, while long-haired varieties form loose, separate curls.

7 порід кішок, які обожнюють обійми

Selkirk Rex cat (image: Wikipedia)

By the way, earlier we shared 5 fascinating facts about Siamese cats.

Sources: The Spruce Pets and Wikipedia.