Who are Swedish Democrats and what's their stance on Ukraine

The Sweden Democrats is a right-wing populist party in Sweden that came in second in the 2022 Swedish elections. The party says it supports Ukraine in the war, according to RBC-Ukraine's article Radicals' march. Why Europe elects populists and how it threatens Ukraine.
In 2022, in Sweden, three parties from the conservative camp agreed to form a new government and for the first time enjoyed the support of the far right.
Although the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats party did not formally join the coalition, its representatives received non-ministerial positions in the government. This allows them to fully control its work, receive all information, and veto any decisions.
At the request of RBC-Ukraine, the Sweden Democrats said that they strongly supported Ukraine, even before the full-scale Russian invasion.
“We have been advocating both military and civilian aid for Ukraine since before the full scale invasion of 2022 and have also committed to continue the support and look in to possibilities in increasing support in the future. Regarding sanctions against Russia we are advocating stronger sanctions in general and we have been looking into new possibilities of further sanctions,” the party said in its response.
As for domestic policy, the position of the Sweden Democrats has not changed much. The party stated the negative consequences of the migration policy of recent decades.
“Our main analysis on the negative effects on all of society of the migration policies of these past decades, has been proven correct, and our principles regarding a welfare state and the need to both help those in need and encourage industry and growth, are the same. Of course, policy development never ends, and we always adapt to new circumstances,” the party said.
Read more about how and why radical populists are coming to power in Europe and how this threatens Ukraine in the RBC-Ukraine article.