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Which bread is actually beneficial and helps you lose weight: Nutritionist's advice

Which bread is actually beneficial and helps you lose weight: Nutritionist's advice What kind of bread is really beneficial and should it be used for weight loss (RBC-Ukraine collage)

White, grey, with bran or grains, sourdough or yeast - the choice of bread in stores is very diverse now. And choosing it is difficult because each type has its own drawbacks and advantages.

Whether it's beneficial to eat bread and which one is best to choose for nutrition is explained by a Ukrainian dietitian Olha Bezuhla.

Is it beneficial to eat bread

As noted by a dietitian, the answer to this question requires clarification - in what specific situation?

"For a balanced diet, for a sedentary individual with excess weight, for a child, for someone with diabetes, for weight loss? If the recommendation is needed for weight loss, then it's better to eliminate bread from the diet during the weight loss period. However, if the question concerns a balanced diet, then bread can be a part of your nutrition (depending on your chosen dietary style, your level of physical activity, composition of your diet, etc.)," explained Olha Bezuhla.

She added that there are two main forms of bread-making: traditional bread made using baker's yeast, and sourdough bread, where the fermentation process occurs through "wild" yeast and lactic acid bacteria.

Which bread is the healthiest

Bread made with yeast


  1. Quick preparation: Bread made with baker's yeast is prepared faster since rapid-action yeast is used.
  2. Uniform texture: It often has a more uniform texture and a soft taste.
  3. Storage: Typically retains its freshness for a longer period.


  1. Nutritional value: Contains a high level of phytates, which can hinder the absorption of beneficial minerals.
  2. Digestive compatibility: May cause digestive issues due to the high concentration of gluten and other components (if you have gluten sensitivity).

Health benefits:

Source of carbohydrates and energy: The carbohydrates found in bread are an important source of energy for the body (this is standard for all carbohydrates).


High glycemic index: Yeast bread can lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels due to its high carbohydrate content, which may be detrimental for individuals with diabetes or carbohydrate metabolism issues.

High calorie content.

Sourdough bread


Nutrition: Lactic acid bacteria present in sourdough bread reduce the level of phytates, facilitating the absorption of beneficial minerals.

Longer preparation time: Fermentation may take more time.

Digestive compatibility: Typically easier to digest as it contains less gluten and antinutrients.

Health benefits:

  1. Easier digestion: Lower phytate content can ease the digestion process and enhance mineral absorption.
  2. Balanced nutritional profile: Typically contains more beneficial nutrients and fewer additives, making it a healthier option.
  3. Lower glycemic index: Sourdough bread usually has a lower glycemic index compared to yeast bread, even if both are whole grain. This is due to the fermentation process that occurs during the production of sourdough bread. During fermentation, the lactic acid bacteria in the sourdough break down some of the carbohydrates in the dough, including complex carbohydrates.
  4. This process results in slower absorption of carbohydrates in sourdough bread, which reduces the product's glycemic index.
  5. On the other hand, baker's yeast used in traditional yeast bread does not have the same effect on complex carbohydrates during fermentation, so the glycemic index of this type of bread may be higher.


  1. Storage complexity: Sourdough bread may age more quickly due to the absence of preservatives.
  2. Weight loss drawbacks: Despite its health benefits, it still contains a significant amount of calories. Therefore, your level of physical activity, overall dietary habits, and health status are important factors to consider.

We also wrote about whether sourdough bread is really beneficial.

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