Where is Kadyrov: Sky News reveals Chechen leader location
Rumors about the whereabouts of Chechnya's leader Ramzan Kadyrov have surfaced online following reports of his illness, according to Sky News.
The news service has identified the geographical location of a video posted on Kadyrov's Telegram page, linking it to his residence as the head of the Chechen Republic in the center of Grozny. In the video, posted yesterday, Kadyrov is filming himself during a walk in the rain.
The high tree line, distinctive two pedestrian paths separated by grass, and a building appearing in the background of the video recording helped journalists determine Kadyrov's location. They also compared Kadyrov's video with recent weather reports in Grozny.
On Sunday, the city experienced "rain showers" in the early morning and daytime, and the weather was overcast, according to timeanddate meteorological data. The website's data also shows that there was no rain in Grozny last week or any other day.
Health issues for Kadyrov
Earlier, the Bild reported serious health problems for Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya. Recently, he has visibly deteriorated, appears very swollen, and often cannot open his eyes in videos. It is speculated that Kadyrov has serious kidney problems, according to Ahmed Zakayev, the former deputy prime minister of Ichkeria, who is in exile.
Kadyrov brought a doctor from the United Arab Emirates to Chechnya because he did not trust Moscow doctors. Dr. Yassin Ibrahim M. El-Shahat, head of the nephrology department at Burjeel Hospital in Abu Dhabi, arrived in Grozny to treat Kadyrov.
Earlier, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine stated that Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya, was in a serious condition, but it was not related to any injuries.