What things can be imported across Ukrainian border: customs rules

Ukrainians returning from abroad should be aware of the rules for importing personal belongings into Ukraine. They do not need to be declared and taxed.
Check the list of goods that can be imported into Ukraine without declaring them, according to the State Customs Service of Ukraine.
What goods can be carried without declaration
The agency reminded of the most common goods that can be classified as personal belongings and the rules for their importation:
- personal hygiene products and individual cosmetics in an amount that meets the needs of one person for the duration of the trip; 0.5 liters of toilet water and/or 100 g of perfume;
- clothing, underwear, and footwear that are of a purely personal nature, intended exclusively for personal use, and have signs of having been in use;
- jewelry, including jewelry made of precious metals and stones, which have signs of having been in use;
- individual writing and stationery;
- portable musical instruments no more than 2 pcs;
- mobile phones no more than 2 pcs;
- portable personal computers no more than 2 pieces and peripheral equipment for them;
- individual medical devices for ensuring human life and monitoring their condition with signs of having been in use;
- medicines - up to 5 packages of each name per person (except for those containing narcotic or psychotropic substances), or in the amount specified in the doctor's prescription.
- ordinary and/or strollers for children according to the number of children crossing the border with the citizen, and in case of absence of children - no more than 1 pc;
- one wheelchair for persons with disabilities for each person with a disability crossing the customs border of Ukraine, and in the absence of such a person - no more than 1 pc;
- sports equipment, including a bicycle, intended for use by one person.
If a person is also carrying gifts or other goods, their weight must be up to 50 kg and their total value must not exceed 500 euros.
Photo: Ukrainians abroad (gettyimages.com)
What restrictions should be taken into account when importing products
The following categories of products are allowed to be imported into the territory of Ukraine for personal use
- alcoholic beverages (from the age of 18): vodka products - 1 liter, wine - 2 liters, beer - 5 liters
- tobacco products (from the age of 18) - 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco, or 250 g of these products,
- food products for personal consumption for a total amount of up to 200 euros, up to 2 kg of each item in a package, without packaging - up to 2 kg of each item (except for products of animal origin);
- food products weighing up to 10 kg in the manufacturer's packaging, which is sent to citizens in international postal or express shipments;
It is forbidden to transport food products without the manufacturer's packaging into the territory of Ukraine in unaccompanied baggage.
Earlier, Ukrainians were warned about strict checks at the Polish border.