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What not to eat after teeth cleaning

What not to eat after teeth cleaning Not everyone knows what to do after teeth cleaning (collage: RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Dentists recommend professional dental cleaning to most patients, as it not only improves the aesthetics of the teeth but also reduces the number of bacteria in the mouth and the likelihood of gum disease. At the same time, it is important to know what you should and shouldn't do after teeth cleaning.

The following sources were used to prepare the material: D.Ante, Dr.Smile, OCTA Dental Clinic.

What to do after teeth cleaning

According to the recommendations of doctors, after professional teeth cleaning, each patient:

  • should not drink or eat for several hours after the procedure
  • should replace the toothbrush (to avoid bacteria and gum inflammation)
  • should choose a gentle toothpaste (it is recommended to choose a low-abrasive paste with a high content of fluoride and calcium)
  • should use special gels and ointments (during the first few days after the procedure), with anti-inflammatory and healing effects
  • should follow the rules of oral hygiene (brush the teeth thoroughly twice a day and use a gentle rinse, floss, or irrigator after meals)
  • should adjust the diet of soft and solid foods (to fill the body with useful substances - calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc., and to avoid soft plaque on the teeth)
  • should follow the so-called "white diet" (avoid dyes, certain drinks, and acidic foods)
  • should attend medical consultations on time

What not to do after teeth cleaning

During the first days after professional teeth cleaning, dentists advise you to follow several basic rules.

Do not smoke - at least immediately after the procedure. Since smoking affects the color of the enamel, you should try to avoid this bad habit as long as possible.

In addition, doctors advise to minimize the number of smoke breaks in the first two to three days after cleaning.

Do not rinse the mouth with concentrated herbal infusions - even if the gums are painful and bleeding.

Herbal medicinal solutions are usually beneficial, but they can also affect the color of the teeth - they will darken. For this reason, experts advise consulting a doctor and choosing a special medicine or rinse (which will help and not affect the teeth shade).

Follow the so-called "white diet" - do not eat "coloring" (artificial and natural) and acidic foods to protect the whiteness of your teeth and their health.

What you can and cannot eat after teeth cleaning

According to experts, the so-called "white diet" will help to maintain the effect of teeth cleaning longer: it removes plaque, enriches tissues with essential vitamins, and has a beneficial effect on enamel.

It is recommended to follow it for 3 to 14 days, depending on the specifics of the procedure, individual needs, and preferences. In general, the longer a person follows this diet, the longer the teeth will retain their white shade.

As part of the "white diet", you can eat:

  • vegetables - white beans, white asparagus, white cabbage, white radish, zucchini, eggplant (without skin), potatoes, garlic, parsley root, cauliflower
  • fruits - bananas, apples
  • dairy products - cheese (mozzarella, camembert, etc.), natural yogurt, milk, butter, buttermilk (low-fat cream), sour cream
  • meat - chicken, turkey
  • fish and seafood - white fish (cod, halibut, etc.), shrimp, mussels
  • cereal products - white pasta, white rice, millet, oatmeal, rice cakes, barley, white bread
  • drinks - non-carbonated water, coconut water, white wine

However, you should not eat the following foods for at least 2-3 days after teeth cleaning:

  • "colorful" vegetables - beets, carrots, tomatoes, red cabbage, peppers, corn, broccoli, spinach
  • fruits and berries - blueberries, grapes (especially dark grapes), raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, cherries
  • dairy products - cheeses and cottage cheese with spices, fruit yogurt, ice cream with dyes, etc.
  • spices (which have a "coloring" effect) - curry, sweet pepper, hot pepper, turmeric, chili, cinnamon, etc.
  • meat and meat products - red meat, cold cuts, sausages
  • cereal products - brown rice, whole grain pasta, black bread
  • beverages - tea, coffee, rose and red wine, sweet carbonated drinks
  • other foods - soups, dark sauces, chocolate, cocoa products
  • sour foods, pickled and fermented vegetables

In addition, during the first few days after the procedure, it is not recommended to eat too cold or too hot food to avoid a contrast in temperature.

Experts emphasize that if you want to drink tea or coffee, it is better to do it through a straw (to minimize the contact of the drink with the tooth enamel). Afterward, be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or mouthwash.

Finally, if a person wears lipstick or lip gloss daily, it is advised to refrain from using it for the first few days after teeth cleaning.

Read also about the main mistake everyone makes when brushing teeth.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.